Community page-welcome: time management should include time for experiences that expand boundaries. My balance activities include family, friends, travel, writing, reading, self development, sports and whatever seems interesting - be flexible and go with the flow at times. These activities, plus business pursuits provide background for my perspectives which I am pleased to share with others.

"Never content, always a tension, a coiled spring waiting for release, a mountain of contradictions, a valley of volatility, a fountain of faith, a river searching for an ocean;and the beat goes on." Fred, Dec., 2011

Travel journals, adventures, friends and biographical fiction by Fred Pentney as below by year/topic.

Friends first. To those who who helped shape who I am today but are no longer with us.

Ross Garner Nancy Douglas Fred Smith Cathy Bovey Joan Ormont

Where I lived: my former home to Nov. 2019 on Long Lake, near Parham, Land of Lakes district , Eastern Ontario, Canada:

2019 Where's Fred? Wow. Another year. Thank you. I usaully say thank you for each day. Also, thanks to all my friends who help make life meaningful.
2018 Where's Fred? New directions. New dancing partner and music inclinations.
2017 Where's Fred? Staying at the cottage for the winter.
2016 Where's Fred? Perspectives on living and dying. It's that time of my life. 74 years in the making and now I sense a deconstruction process beginning. Dissolve the dreams or more focus?
2015 Where's Fred? Wow! Rejection letter from the New Yorker magazine.

2014 Where's Fred? No Florida this year. A great trip to Rochcester-Eastman House, Kodak Museum; Corning-Glass works and Curtiss-Museum, wineries and Finger lakes

2013 Where's Fred?
2012 Where's Fred? Jan 2. Planning on working through the winter on projects including the updated Day Planner, the book on time management, writing short stories, hands-on day trading and academic studies.

2011 Where's Fred? March 17. Survived! Best winter yet. Stayed warm and productive-no debilitating surprises or gut wrenching-time consuming events.

What's Fred reading-discuss?

2010 Where's Fred? A quiet introspective year for the first 7 months and then on the road again. July - Nov. in Florida. Currently back in the woods. I learned that Immanuel Kant also spent many years in isolation prior to delivering some of his great works. Stay posted.

Library specific profiles
2009 Where's Fred ? Third winter in the cabin in the woods on Long Lake, Ontario, Canada. What is it like to live in relative isolation on a frozen lake? Thanksgiving meal plan
2008 Where's Fred ? Road trip: July 23 - Oct. 17, 2008 Florida and beyond USA wandering

2007 Where's Fred ?: July to Sept., includes travels to Miramachi N.B., London, ON., Embro, ON., Newfoundland, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, USA. Florida is rescheduled to October or later. Some of my travels are in remote or strange locations and if I am not heard from this journal will provide information on my last known or next destination. Comments or questions please Email:fpentney@timemanage.com

2005-2006 Personal blog pictures: Winter and spring in 'Land of Lakes' region, Ontario, Canada. These are the 'Walden Pond', reflective, isolated but very productive periods of my life. Cold winters in the woods, on a lake with very little outside contact. It wasn't meant to be that way, but...what an experience! Flying squirrelsloons, geese, porcupine, raccoon and waterfall. May 06 pictures
July-Nov. 2005 http://pentneyperspectives.blogspot.com (detailed). Travels across USA: Florida to Detroit then zig zag the early settlers routes (Hiway 80) to Wyoming and Montana. Then to Fort McMurray, Canada.

Pictures 2005 travel blog.

Across America more pictures - great Utah shots

Swift Current hike PowerPoint, in Glacier Park, Montana - Hiking the Continental Divide (USA Rockies) late Oct. and Nov. 2005. Includes grizzly and black bear sightings and interactions

Jordy 2008 and Washington Jagger -my little brother Jordan jetski Kevin and Jodi wedding 2005,

Jordy home page

Jordy and Arlin in Canada Jordy in Canada 2005 Sarah


2004. 3 Hurricanes, Florida 2004 stories and pictures.

French Alps wedding trip  

2002 Utah

Utah 2 Hiking Logan, Utah Salt Lake City   Deseret Ranch- Utah, 200,000 acres
1998 Mongolia/Asia:This set of pictures can also be accessed from the Home page Farewell Kate - to Mongolia Mongolia/city, Ulaanbaator Mongolia pics. Apr.10, 98 Children of Bazar I removed these pictures. Thank you to Bazar for her hospitality.

1998 cont.: Beijing Shots in a typical market place (hutongs). Many have been razed to make way for the Olympics

Travel companions China to Detroit. Mongolian students on their way to USA universities

Alec at 'home' in Mongolia - link under repair.

Social gatherings ongoing:

Nel's 80th birthday. Thanks to the Wilket Creek Runners (Toronto) who are also 'featured' in this gathering.

Than and Sue

Than and Nerissa

Winter dinner party

Fall 2002 Summer Solstice party '98
Timeless: Leach and Sons family owned business U.K. Student achievement George Brown College student.    

Trixi Gooding sculptures Trixi lives in Eastbourne. U.K. and celebrated her 90th b'day this year. She is an amazing person and artist.

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