Across America July and August 2003

Fort George, in Georgia near Darien (shrimp fishing port). A British Fort built to protect river access to timber and other resources. A scene of fighting with Indians, Spanish and French.

Sawmills on the Altamaha River, Georgia, 1800's.

Herbert Hoover's birthplace and residence. His family of six lived here.

Hoover's father was a Blacksmith.

This was the family business. The shop still produces metal work that is for sale.

From the Mississippi river life exhibit at the Hoover museum.

A chronology of Hoover's life in wood carvings and frames.
Tree in the rock. Became a landmark for settler's of the west.


Slept here and woke in the morning and saw the sign.

Entering the west. A typical Wyoming view. Near Green River.


Bear Lake, Utah is between Logan and Randolph. This, is a view from the hill on the east side of the lake. There are spectacular views of the lake as one comes out of Logan canyon about 2 thousand feet above the lake. It is 20 miles long and 8 miles wide. The colour is the result of limestone bottom. It is famous for fishing.
Elizabeth outside her home in Garden City on the shore of Bear Lake. Yes, she used to provide Bed and Breakfast. Now she likes to just enjoy herself.

This was an exhibit in the Bear Lake festival.

Would you like to see more?

Let me get a beer first.

You'll need one too.....

This was one of the best floats in the parade.
Two excited parade watchers Tiffany who owns the Mind, Body and Soul Fitness Centre in Garden City and Barbara, her sister from Logan. Thanks for the canopy go to Elizabeth whom you have met.
Been there, done that. An unexcited parade watcher, Emily, daughter of Barbara and Jay, niece of...... and so on. Everyone around these parts has a history.


Logan Canyon, 45 minute drive connecting Logan and Bear Lake. Some of world's best back country skiing, steepest slopes and fabulous hiking trails.


Another beautiful scene. there is one around every corner.
Mormon pioneer's grave.
Honoring the contribution of the women pioneers, this beautiful statue also symbolizes the unity of the family and the strength drawn from God.
A Mormon Temple in Logan.

Logan across the valley. Picture taken from the foothills on opposite mountains. The valley is self sustaining through a thriving dairy cow industry.


See Barbara in Utah for more pictures of mountain trail shots. Back to Jordy link
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