Marking Guidelines for the Final Written Reports


All groups hand in the Written report at the immediate start of class - Wk. 11, (March 22-26).


If the Written Report is not handed in on time it will be marked late and receives only a max. 50% (pass mark),  if it meets that minimum standard.  


An hour each week has been provided in class for groups to work on the Written Reports weeks 8, 9, 10, 11, including essential documents (completed as marked  home assignments).  Tutorial time has been available each week to students requesting it.  Project Managers have all received the marking standard which is very similar to the list provided on the web site.  Guidelines on how to develop the written Report and assign the work to Team Members has been posted on the Class web site since Wk. 6.


Group Presentations are due Wk. 11, (March 22-26).  Wk 12.  (March 29 – April 2) and Selection of which groups will present on which day, will be done by a draw or other method that the groups agree on.  We can set the dates in Wk. 10.


Therefore some groups will hand in the written portion and do the presentation on the same day.


Responsibility Matrix. The  Responsibility Matrix you turned in was give me some idea of how you are starting your project. You will need a lot more tasks to make the project realistic. The list of tasks and who they are assigned to has to be comprehensive. It will extend beyond one page because it has to include all the work packages, the involvement of all the Stakeholders. Each of the items on my checklist needs to be assigned as a work package to someone or as a Summary Task which will be broken down to the level of being understood by the person who is going to do the job.


No you don’t hand a Resp. Matrix  to me each Week. The Matrix will be a tool for the Project Manager to add to each week to assign what the team members and Stakeholders will be doing.


I will be asking the Project Manager’s for a weekly report on whether the team members are contributing whatever they are supposed to.  One mark will be assigned to each person in the group who contributes their weekly portion of the work for that week. Team (Group) weekly monitoring and Reporting


Marking scheme handed out in Wk 6 contains some suggestion of how to approach the project and what to include.

Yes it is a guideline.  The handout I provided with all the empty boxes also provides  a good framework on which to build your project. My suggestions would be to in include something about each item in your project.


            The marks indicated on the document headed Marking Scheme  - Written Report are an approximate breakdown of marks for each section. 


Based on the number of components included in the report I can mark per page or subject submitted – 0 to 2 or 3 marks for each, and /or also give marks for well developed items and demonstrated linkages and continuity between various parts of the project. The total marks are out of a possible 21%.


There are some additional tips on the Class Website. Final link is


The Decision Matrix.  Yes it helps you develop various parts of the project


            Some other tips. If forms are introduced that have a realistic, professional look to them I will mark at the higher end of the scale. The more part of the project process that are included the more I have to mark. The more it looks like a document that you could hand to Executive Committee the more I can mark. If pictures, and index, some colour, graphs, charts are included it has more appeal.


If there is too much unnecessary detail or padding it will not get extra marks. All handwritten pages and charts get lower marks.