Dyna-form's choice of sites that might save you some time - (updates ongoing). For general inquiries use: www.google.com or www.askjeeves.com Why would I give you 'other' sources for time management? Because there is no quick fix. Adding time management studies and practices into your routines, will eventually get you the rewards you deserve based on effort. Any help you can get from any source, that works for you, will reinforce your commitment to ongoing good time management practices. Start with reviewing these resources.
Note: in addition to the thousands of web pages that present time management topics, there are over two thousand books published on the subject. Where to begin? Take some training, read a book (use our Amazon.com link), buy a Day-planner and a handheld device (PDA-now a smart-phone): learn the basic methods for each product and grow through use. The benefits will encourage you to make TM part of your daily activities and long term planning. Scroll down for business forms from Microsoft to assist you in running your business - another real time saver.
TM Tips: https://collegecliffs.com/resources/college-students-guide-studying-test-preparation. Thanks to Sarah for the recommendation
SpecificTechniques/ well researched short articles.
Improve your memory/save time.
Your body clock, Circadian rhythms
Dr. Don Wetmore T.M.specialist. Subscribe to Dr. Wetmore's free news letter.
Sort it 1-2-3 Julie Signore provides a wealth of information on getting organized
http://www.stmarys.ca/administration/studentservices/peers_procrast.html Good overview of procrastination and remedies - thanks to Toni Conroy, President C4, a career consultant and time management trainer.
World Time and Calendar Events: OyMap.com - a world directory
New time zones - world
On August 8th, 2005 President Bush signed the Energy Policy Act of 2005 that, come 2007, will start daylight saving time (DST) three weeks earlier and end it a week later, a change that has technologists worried. Since 1987, the daylight saving schedule has begun for most of the United States at 2 a.m. on the first Sunday of April, ending at 2 a.m. on the last Sunday of October. The new law will require DST to begin on the second Sunday of March and end on the first Sunday of November, adding roughly one extra month of DST and, in the process, throwing the internal clocks of many software programs and electronic gadgets out of whack. www.customguide.com Issue 44, August 2005
XL based 2006 calendar. Research engine and sites update Data bases
Day planners and training: http://www.timethoughts.com/timemanagement/day-planner.htm
Office suppliers: http://www.grandandtoy.com/ http://www.office1000.com/discount/planners.html www.staples.com
Business letter formats Microsoft Financial forms Microsoft
Dave Paradi PowerPoint lessons http://www.executive.org/planner
Time tracking software
http://www.officetime.net/competition.html This is Mac software but the chart is a very good checklist for categorizing where time can be spent. Also provides competitors for this product.
General Business:
Business magazines go to the "Newsroom" link on page
A CEO's blog: Jim Estill-devoted to time management
Media articles on time - copyrights acknowledged.
Measuring time from the New York Times, Jan. 23, 2007, Making Sense of Time, Earthbound and Otherwise By NATALIE ANGIER