Week. 4 Home assignment. to be completed during the week and brought to class in Wk. 5 worth two marks.

Home assignment: bring at least 4 forms (as indicated in the PowerPoints) that you have located related to work we have done so far in class. These can be already completed or templates. They will be part of your Group activity for Wk. 5. There are two marks for bringing in the forms and sharing them with your "new group." Think of this as going to a meeting and being asked to bring some documents.

These documents could include: Definition documents, Charters, Responsibility and Communication Matrix's, Decision Matrix, Statements of Work (S.O.W.), Flow charts for Definition Stage, Risk Management,

Why. So you can get some ideas of how to design or structure the documents that you will be creating for the Final Group written assignment. The Project Report you develop will be made up of forms and document to show the progression development of your project. Looking at what is already available and how they are used will give you and your group ideas. However you will be entering your own data for your project on the documents.