BUS 1040 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Professor Fred Pentney.  Wk 4 Supplement. P.


Week three quiz Answers


1. What, Who Why, How Where and When? Ref. Verzuh p.51, p. 77


What are our objectives?

Who are the Stakeholders?

Why are we doing this project?

How are we going to complete the project?

Where will we do it?

When will we do it?



2.         Need, Problem or Opportunity. Ref. Ref. Verzuh p. 5


3.4.1.      Examples:


Need to compete in the marketplace. Linux vs. Microsoft

A personal need


Problem: Equipment failure.


Opportunity: Wireless technology


5.      Request for Proposal (R.F.P.) or a Needs assessment/identification. Statement of Work. Ref.  Verzuh, p.56.


6. Cost benefit analysis. Weighted Decision Matrix


7. Yes. Most of the Definition is Hi level planning.


8/9. Brings the project in on time, on budget and with required quality.

Is now a mature discipline, recognized by industry and management and teams?

Creates a structure and process and to offset uncertainty.  


10. Scope is all the work or tasks that are done on the project to achieve the customers objectives within the agreed upon. Verzuh p. 57


11. Depends. Yes in terms of the overall budget, time and quality. However, the customer may require a detailed plan and estimate before proceeding. In this case the Planning stage may help identify additional scope elements.


12. Assumptions/expectations/exceptions.   What the various Stakeholder think will be done as part of the project. These have to be revealed early in the Definition stage and put in writing. They are often the cause of dissention later on in the project if not specified. Verzuh p. 18


13. By Defining precisely what each goal is, or, turning the goal into an Objective.


We can use many ways to do this.  We can specify management, technical and cost elements.


We can apply the S. M.A.R.T formula

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely to the goal.


14.              Customer requirements are what must be met to produce the deliverable, so that it will look, perform and cost, and have the quality specified. We might sum these items up under the heading of Deliverables.


15.              Type of steel to be used for the frame, the type of weld. The size of the wheels, type of tires, in fact every aspect of the bicycle specified.


16.              Customer, Project Manager, Sponsor, Functional Management, and Team Members.


17.              Absolutely. The more input of a positive nature at the Definition stage the fewer problems later in the project. Each Stakeholder can bring previous some experience to the project plus.... 


18.              Yes. Stakeholders that do not contribute to the ultimate success of the project should be not be given opportunity to have negative impact.


19.              No. The Project Manager needs to be an expert Project Manager, not an expert in the industry that he or she is working. He will recruit Teams that have the expertise to do the work. The Project Manager must also be well versed in general management practices and have good people skills.


20.              The R.F.P. provides the opportunity for competent companies to make suggestions of how to complete the project.




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ÓDYNA-FORM 2004 F. Pentney