BUS Project Management.
Homework assignment to be delivered in Week 3.
In groups of 5, select a Project Manager. Then as a group find a project on the web or in the media and present it to the class in Week 3. The Project manager will coordinate the research effort and facilitate the group presentation to the class. Each of the remaining group (team members) will present one portion of the project. E.g. 1 team member will explain the project with regard to the Definition stage. The next member the Planning stage, then the Execution and finally the Close out. If the project is not completed the team members can consider points that the project manager may have to consider, or the other stake holders. These must be real projects but they do not have to finished. You do not need to create a PowerPoint, use the web site. If we have an internet hookup you can show us the web site.
You don't have to speak long. The whole group can be finished in 5 minutes. You can use the computer to show us the web site but dont have to, or you can make a poster or a handout. Don't spend a lot of time on the extras.
Here are some things you can look for on the project. You don't need to include all of them - these are suggestions.
Project life cycle.
Define: Who is the customer? What were some of the decisions needed to made to choose this project, and conflicts. What are the deliverables, level of quality, functionality?
Plan. What risks might there be. Risk management plan? What is budget, the time frame, the schedule, the milestones? What resources where needed, how are they deployed(used).
Execution. Is it in progress. What they experiencing? What controls are in place. What obstacles have they or will they run into? What are the people dynamics, team behaviours, cultural and ethnic factors, political implications, reactions from observers the competitions.
Controls. Documentations, corrections, issue resolving, approvals for changes from plan.
Close out. Was it a success? What happens to the resources, the people, the records? Who audited the finances? What were the lessons learned?
Hand in a one page document when finished that incudes the web address, the name of your group and the names of the individuals who presented, so that I can post marks accordingly.
Thanks for your efforts.