BUS 4017 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Instructor: Prof. Fred Pentney.  Wk 3 Supplement. P.



Definition stage quiz.

1.      What are the 6 questions we could ask as part of our Definition or Initiation (same stage)?

2.      Three reasons projects are developed?

3.      Give three examples of the above.

4.      1                                                          2.                                                         3.

5.      What is the formal term/method for identifying what is needed on a project?

6.      What is the method of deciding whether there is a benefit to going ahead with the project?

7.      Are hi level plans part of the Definition stage?  Yes         No

8.      Three major benefits of using project management.

9.      1.                                                       2.                                                             3.                               

10.  Define what the SCOPE of the project is?

11.  Would the SCOPE of the project be finalized at Definition stage?

12.  What do we mean by assumptions?

13.  How do we convert the project goals into objectives?

14.  What do we mean by Customer requirements?

15.  Give example of Customer requirement for building a bicycle?

16.  Name the five types of Stakeholders who can influence the project?

17.  Should stakeholders be given opportunity to contribute during the Definition stage?

18.  Would you try to minimize input from Stakeholders who wish to negatively impact the project once it has been approved?

19.  Does the Project Manager have to be an expert in the field that he/she is managing the project?

20.  What does the R.F.P. provide and for whom?

ÓDYNA-FORM 2004 F. Pentney



BUS 4017 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Instructor: Prof. Fred Pentney.  Wk 3  Supplement. P.



Draw a flow chart indicating the various steps of Defining the need for a project and the subsequent steps in completing the Definition stage of the project.


In other word take as many of the items mentioned above that are relevant to Definition and put them in chart form showing the sequence of steps.




























ÓDYNA-FORM 2004 F. Pentney