BUS Project Management    Professor Fred Pentney     Wk 8-13 Suppl.      of




The Project Team  Quiz










1.        Teams evolve through various stages of development.




2.        During the forming stage, the project manager needs to provide direction and structure.




3.        The storming phase is the main phases in which the project manager must clearly communicate the project objective and create a vision of the successful result of the project and the benefits it will provide.




4.        In the storming stage, the project manager needs to be more directive than in the forming stage.




5.        During the norming phase, the project team has accepted its operating environment.




6.        Control and decision making are transferred from the project manager to the project team during the performing stage. 




7.        During the norming stage, the project manager minimizes directiveness and takes on a more supportive role.




8.        A project team is a group of interdependent individuals working cooperatively to achieve the project objective.




9.        Open, frank, and timely communication is the norm on an effective project team.




10.     On effective teams, conflict is suppressed so it doesn’t interfere with the growth and learning process.




11.     If stated properly at the initial project meeting, the project manager does not need to discuss the project objective at future project status review meetings.




12.     Although the project manager is ultimately responsible for the success of a project, each member of the project team shares in that responsibility.




13.     Team building is the sole responsibility of the project manager. 




14.     Conflict is bad and should be avoided if a team is to succeed. 




15.     A variety of organizational issues can cause conflict, particularly during the performing stage of team development. 




16.     In the collaborating, confronting, or problem-solving approach, each individual is willing to abandon or redefine his or her position as new information is exchanged, in order to arrive at the optimal solution. 




17.     The problem statement provides a vehicle for reaching agreement among the members of the problem-solving team about the exact nature of the problem they are trying to solve.




18.     In the early stages of the problem-solving process, the team is often reacting to symptoms rather than dealing with what might be causing the problem.




19.     In brainstorming, the quality of ideas generated is the key. 






Multiple Choice




20.     ____________ is cooperative effort by members of a team to achieve a common goal.


a.        slicing


b.       norming


c.        forming


d.       teamwork




21.     ______________ involves the transition from individual to team member.


a.        forming


b.       storming


c.        performing


d.       norming




22.     Which stage of team development is characterized by excitement, anticipation, suspicion, anxiety, and hesitancy?


a.        performing


b.       norming


c.        storming


d.       forming




23.     In the forming stage, individuals do a lot of _____________.


a.        arguing


b.       negotiating


c.        questioning


d.       performing




24.     During the ________________ phase, team members begin to feel increasing dissatisfaction with dependence on the direction or authority of the project manager.


a.        forming


b.       norming


c.        performing


d.       storming






25.     During the _____________ phase, relationships among team members and between the team and the project manager have become settled.


a.        storming


b.       norming


c.        forming


d.       performing




26.     Trust begins to develop in the _____________ stage, as team members start to confide in one another.


a.        forming


b.       performing


c.        storming


d.       norming




27.     The fourth and final stage of team development and growth is the __________ stage.


a.        production


b.       performing


                                                               i.      norming


                                                              ii.      delivery




28.     In the ___________ stage, the team is highly committed and eager to achieve the project objective.


a.        forming


b.       performing


c.        norming


                                                               i.      producing






29.     During the ____________ stage, the project manager fully delegates responsibility and authority, thereby empowering the project team.


a.        forming


b.       norming


c.        performing


d.       storming






30.     Effective team members are not only problem identifiers but also _____________.


a.        problem makers


b.       problem generators


c.        problem solvers


d.       problem design experts








31.     Developing a group of individuals to accomplish the project objective is called:


a.        team generation


b.       team attitude development


c.        team evolution


d.       team building






32.     A project team can periodically call _________ meetings, as opposed to ________ meetings.


a.        team, project


b.       project, team


c.        production, efficiency


d.       project, progression






33.     Conflict that arises over what individuals are assigned to work on certain tasks is considered to be a conflict due to:


a.        work scope


b.       priorities


c.        resource assignments


d.       resource splitting






34.     In the __________________ approach emphasizes the search for areas of agreement within the conflict and minimizes the value of addressing differences.


a.        avoiding


b.       accommodating or smoothing


c.        compromising


d.       give away




35.     In the _____________________ approach, team members tackle the issue directly and look for a win–win outcome.


a.        avoiding


b.       accommodating or smoothing


c.        compromising


d.       collaborating, confronting, or problem solving




36.     A technique often used to identify potential causes of a problem is ____________.


a.        brain jumping


b.       idea echoing


c.        idea gentling


d.       brainstorming




37.     In brainstorming, the _________of ideas generated is more important than the __________of the ideas.


a.        quantity, quality


b.       quality, quantity


c.        effectiveness, efficiency


d.       efficiency, effectiveness





Acknowledgements. Gido and Clements. Successful Project Management. McGraw-Hill