Course objectives and Key Learnings:
After taking a project management course what do you think you would need to know. What a project is? The history of project management? What are the key points to make it a success? The types of stakeholders? The contract ural aspects: the R.F.P., the Proposal and what they contain. The relationship of the R.F.P. and proposal to the life cycles of the project. The development of the project from high level (Definition stage) plan to detailed plans (the Plan). The development of the Definition stage into the Statement of work - what does it contain and its relationship to the R.F.P. The development of the S.O.W. into a detailed plan - the WBS, network diagram, schedule, GANTT chart, estimates and work packages, Responsibility Matrix.
You can use my Verzuh book notes from the link at the top of the page to get a lot of the answers. I have "Chunked" the information in the various life cycles of the project