4017 PROJECT MANAGEMENT - Professor Fred
Pentney Supplement P of
Definition stage:
Idea Need Stakeholder input - PM Customer Functional Mgt. Teams Sponsor Consider $ % Rates of return, Payback period. N.P.V. Set goals. Then apply S.M.A.R.T. Formula. Ask
Why When How Where
and Why?
Formal Needs Assessment. Executive Manager and Team levels Meetings to Get info. and expand on idea etc.
higher level task or activity lists – find relationships. Draws WBS’s Show
first work packages.
Definition final detail: Planning stage begins:
Take Hi level plan and WBS and decompose down to Work package levels Risk Mgt. I.D. Probability Impact Strategy Monitor Control
Statement of Work:
1) Purpose
2) Scope
3) Deliverables/Description
4) Cost and Schedule
5) Goals/Objectives
6) Stakeholders
7) Chain of command
Assign Work Tasks Summary items to Stakeholders. Remember bottom up est.
Summary tasks
Work packages
Labour, resources, materials, costs,
Schedule Time Stakeholders to Plan. E.g. GANTT chart. Calculate floats. Communication Matrix – maintain as project develops Continue to assign Work packages to Responsibility Matrix as they are developed. Estimate the work packages $ Time Materials Resources
Top down (management
) and
bottom up (Team Members) Get approval for final estimates. Establish budgets Obtain and assign resources. . End of Planning Stage
This flowchart provides an overview of the Definition and Planning stages. There may be many variations on what has been presented above. Also various industries have specialized approaches to develop the projects and these may be in addition to the above representation.
Now we move to the Execution Stage.
©Dyna-form 2004 F. Pentney