Cases referred to during class - possible solutions, scroll down for references. We will complete some of these cases in class.
Industry specific overview. In our course we focus on Project Management (the process). However, difference industries have a specific and sometimes varied project cycles. The same project management process is applied. Different texts on project management have different definitions for cycles. We will use;
The P. M. process is to : Initiate (we use Define), Plan, Execute, Control and Close out.
The industry specific typical cycles are:
Construction: Feasibility, Planning, Design, Production, Turnover and Start up.
Information Systems IS. or Information Technology. IT Requirement analysis, Hi-level design, Detailed design, Coding, Testing, Installation, Conversion and Operations.
Reference: PMP Exam Prep.Third Edition. Rita Mulcahy, PMP. RMC Publications, INC. 2001.
Systems Development Life Cycle from Gido and Clements, reference below.
Problem Definition, System Analysis, Design, Development, Testing and Implementation.
References: J.Gido, J. Clements, Successful Project Management, 2003. South Western Publishing. (Nelson, Toronto).
Cases from Gido and Clements.
Case: Verizon. P.25 Gido and Clements
Needed an ad agency to handle the $30-50 million Yellow Page business. Created an R.F.P. specifying that wanted an agency that could take the "brand" to the next level and would be a strategic and integrated partner. Remember that part od the R.F.P. will become part of the final contract with the winning company e.g. the Statement of Work items specifically. This
R.F.P. was sent out to 15 companies. We can assume that Verizons's expectations were included in the R.F.P. These were, that the proposals would include the use of T.V., radio, print, direct marketing and and outdoor, interactive and ethnic marketing. See page 53 for the method some of the companies might have used to construct their proposals. Note the companies had only one month to prepare the proposals - a good reason for having trained persons on staff to do this work and having a few templates ready. This case emphasizes the selling aspect of the proposal. The bidding companies are selling their ability to comply with the R.F.P. in addition to highlighting their strengths, history of performance, resources to handle the business, their ability to work as a partner and so on.
Case : Mid sized Pharmaceutical Company. P 39-41
Case question. 1. Jennifer has $200,000 would invest in the company. She needs to state with as much detail as possible what she expects in the proposals from the managers. See Ch. 2. You should make up a list from the R.F.P. guidelines in the text. The proposals received will all be different because each manager will have a priority for his or her department. Here are a few items the managers might include.
Cover letter
Executive summary
Demonstrating an understanding of Jennifer's (customers's) and the departments
Detailed examination behind these needs (cause & effects, symptoms &
Overview solutions that address the above needs
Discuss an approach that will get the client this solution (Define, Plan, Implement,
Plan for Communication, Project Management, Support, Training, Transitioning
Description of group and their skill sets (including bios) proposing to do the
Any relevant past experience that can be applied.
Q. 2 Other information: costs and schedules, tasks and resources. Ongoing expenses.
Q. 3 Cost benefit analysis.
Q. 4 Best solution? We won't know until the proposals are in and evaluated against the R.F.P. To help us make the decision we will use the Dyna-form Matrix provided in class. Make up some of your own criteria. Weight each item. Provide a range for each item and then calculate and score. You might consider: whether proposal meets company strategic plan -just rank this as a 1 to 5, time to complete the project, % of return on the investment, and increase in market share.
The information provided in the text indicates that we could use some of the following criteria. Increase in sales, length of time (payback period), whether the $200,000 should be spent on one project or a number of them, market share. The weighting of these %'s can be agreed on in class when we complete the matrix
Case #1 . P 71. Medical Information Systems.
1. They didn't get an R.F.P. because the purchasing manager wasn't familiar with the company
2. They have a previous connection with the company.
3. Because of the conflicting priorities in the group they should make up a Bid or No Bid checklist, see P. 52 . It may not be practical to submit a proposal. i.e. do they have the time, resources, funding, experience, competitive ability. You could use the Dyna-form Matrix to calculate scores on these items or the Matrix on P. 62
4. Assuming they went ahead you could make make up a list of various solutions. Then make up lists of other solutions. Use the Matrix to calculate which would be the best solutions.
I.T. industry:
Pinnacol. Medical Insurance Claims Co.
P. 207
Decision making project selection
Hygiea. Health Insurance provider for travelers out of country.
P. 253
Developing project teams
RR Donelley
P. 144
e.g. Admit mistakes, take responsibility, allocate resources, fix problems.