BUS 1040 Project Management
Wk 14 Continuing with exam review

We all came on different ships but we are in the same boat now.


Martin Luther King Jr.


l   Review of policy re: marks posted on Web CT.

l   There will not be any corrections after this Week to Weekly posted marks.


l   Exam 15 minute settling in period after start of Class time

l   Start Exam . 



Exam Review

l   I will post additional key points to study throughout the week.


l   I am marking all week but will post one PowerPoint per day starting April 7.


l   I’ll start with another Earned Value sample

Status Reports  - include

l     Accomplishments since last meeting

l     Cost, schedule and work scope

     status and variances compared to the baseline plan and the trends

l     Potential problems

l     Corrective action planned

l     Other opportunities for improvement

l     Action assigned and to whom.

l     If actions assigned previously were not completed and why not

l     Milestones to be reached before next meeting.



Status Reports – re: layout

l    Specify date of report and reporting period

l    Specify to whom report is for re: level of reporting detail (Executive vs. Team Member)

l    Set up a colour code for overall Status

    Red is project in trouble etc.

l    Name of specific persons related to completion of specific tasks assigned 

    e.g  Task. Due. Status. Owner.

l    Change requests. Tracking #, Description, Impact

l    General project data: Completion date, $, Team,

l    Client representative and contact info.


Schedule and Cost variance.

l   A total budget amount will be given.


l   The value of  budgeted amount for a cumulative period will be given


l   Compare the value of what is done compared to the cumulative budgeted amount. Calculate the variance.

Earned Value

l   Multiply the % of what has been  done by the budgeted amount, this is your Earned  value.


l   E.g. I had budgeted a $1000.

l   I have completed 70% of the work that was budgeted.

l   The Earned value is $700




Communication Matrix

l    When you complete your Communication Matrix make sure you include actual contact information – what you would need to contact that person in the manner they have requested or are available.

l    E.G. Phone #, Fax #, Email #, Chat Time and Server, Put it on the line with their name.

l    And don’t forget to note if a response is required to what they receive.

l    Don’t put  letters in the boxes the way you do on a Responsibility Matrix.   write the details.

l    I used the letter on my PowerPoint as a short cut – they need a legend.  Legends are usually

R= Repsonsible: S= Support; I= Inform.